
Rotate photos

Use the Rotate tab to rotate the images by 90 degrees and mirror all of the images in the list.
Rotate tab
Rotating all images:
The Rotate tab contains options for rotating or flipping all currently open images. Click the corresponding button to rotate the image to the necessary angle.
Keep the original orientation of images
Rotate the images 90° clockwise (to the right)
Rotate the images by 180°
Rotate the images 90° counterclockwise (to the left)
You can select only one rotation option at a time.
Flip all of the images horizontally (upside-down)
Flip all of the images vertically (left to right)
You can combine one or both flip options with one rotation option.
Rotating individual images:
If you only need to rotate one or several images, you can rotate the photos one by one. To do that, hover your mouse pointer above the image you want to rotate and click the Rotate button on the image's thumbnail. You can also rotate images from the Preview window.

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