Volume curves
With volume curves, you can control the volume for each part of the clip and smoothly increase or decrease the volume.

Each clip has its own volume curve that starts out at 100% volume for the entire clip, and two points at its beginning and at the end. The white line on the image below is the volume curve before you add any points.

Step 1: Set the base level
Drag the white line up or down to the necessary level. The top of the clip is 100% volume and the middle of the clip is 50%.

Step 2: Add a volume point
Points on the audio curve represent the volume peaks and lows. To add a point, right-click on the audio curve and choose Add Volume Point from the pop-up menu. Next, drag the audio point to the necessary volume level. You'll notice that the surrounding parts also move with the point to make the transition smoother.
Make as many points as you need for each part of the clip where you'd like a peak or a drop in volume.

Step 3: Manage the volume for a part of the clip
To set the volume level for a part of the clip, you'll need at least two points. Create a point at the beginning and at the end of the fragment:

Click and drag the white line between two points to change the volume level for this fragment. When you drag a volume point or a fragment, the parts of the curve to the left and right will also move with it.

However, this affects only the closest parts of the curve. To get more control over the behavior of the curve, create more volume points. This way, only the adjacent parts will be adjusted, leaving the rest of the curve as it was.