Reducing output size
Long recordings with a large capture area size may take up a lot of disk space. When saving the video, you can see the estimated file size at the bottom of the player window. This shows approximately how large the ouput video will be after saving with the currently selected format.
Here are some things you can do to reduce the file size:
Use a smaller resolution
When you select an output format, choose a resolution that's slightly lower than the original video size. The resolution is listed next to each output preset:
For example, changing the resolution from 1080p to 720p can reduce the video up to half the size. However, note that resolution affects video quality, so setting a resolution too low can reduce its quality.
Compress the video
When saving the video, you can reduce the quality in order to achieve a smaller file size.
1. Click on the estimated file size at the bottom of the player window to open compression options.
2. Drag the Quality slider to the left to reduce the video's bitrate. Bitrate is the amount of data in each second of the video. A slightly lower bitrate may not even be visible to the eye, but it can significantly reduce the file size. The text in brackets will tell you if you've set the quality too low.
3. Click Apply to accept the changes.