

Add filters
  • Click the Filters button.
  • Choose All to see every filter in the collection or choose the specific category you need. To see the filter’s preview in the player, click on it.
  • To find a specific filter, enter its name into the search box above the filters. Click the heart icon to add the filter you liked to the Favorites group.
  • To add a filter, drag it onto the clip you want to apply the filter to.
Hint: You can apply a filter to several clips at once. Hold the key, select the clips on the Timeline and drag a filter onto any of the selected clips. The filter will be applied to all the clips you've selected.
Once you've applied a filter, a star icon will appear on the clip, indicating applied filters and tools.
A clip with an applied filter
Remove filters
  • To see the list of applied filters and tools, click on the star icon on the clip.
  • In the list, find the filter that you want to remove.
  • Click the cross button to discard the effect.

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