You can move objects any way you want and make creative appearances.
Add animation
1. Add the background onto the main video track.
2. Add the object you want to animate.
3. Click More and on the Video Editing tab choose Animation.

4. The Easy animation tab includes presets with a simple animation, that you can quickly drag and add to a clip. To create your own unique animation, switch to the Advanced tab.

Advanced mode
Select the clip you want to animate and place the position marker where you want your animation to start.
In the Animation panel, click Add Animation.

3. In the player, you will see a frame appear around the object. Use it to set the position of the object.
On the Timeline, two points will appear on the clip. They are called keyframes. The first point is the original position of the object. The second point is its end position after the animation. The distance between the two points determines the animation speed.

Edit the keyframes
On the Timeline, double-click a keyframe to edit it.
In the player, use the frame to move the object to where you want it to go.
To change the object's size, drag by the corners of the frame.
To rotate the object, drag by the white dot at the top of the frame or use the Angle box in the Animation panel. Note that if you want to make the object spin, you can rotate it to a maximum of 180 degrees in a single keyframe.
To make the object fade in or out, use the Opacity slider in the Animation panel.3. To change how fast the object moves, move the keyframe point on the clip:
Move the points closer together to make the animation go faster.
Move the points farther away from each other to make it go slower.

To add another keyframe, move the position marker to where you want to place it in the clip and click Add Keyframe on the Animation panel.
If you add it between two existing keyframes, it will create an intermediate position.

Reset a keyframe
To make a keyframe go back to its original position, right-click the keyframe point on the clip and select Reset Keyframe in the pop-up menu.
Remove keyframes
1. To remove one keyframe, right-click the keyframe point on the clip and select Remove Keyframe in the pop-up menu.
2. To remove all keyframes and delete the animation, right-click any of the keyframe points and select Remove All Keyframes.