  • Editing video and images

Editing video and images

After you've added some videos and images to your project, they will appear on the video track of the Timeline, where you can move and arrange them into a movie. Next, it's time to edit and enhance the clips.

Cut video clips

On the Timeline, select the clip that you want to cut and move the position marker onto the moment where you want to split the clip. Then, click the scissors button on the toolbar to split the clip into two parts.

Edit 360° videos and images

Photos and videos aren't always perfect from the beginning. Use the buttons on the toolbar to fix and adjust the clips.

Picture in picture and overlays

To overlay one video or image on top of another, select the clip you want to show on top and drag it up, towards the top of the Timeline to create an extra overlay track. Then, double-click the upper clip to set up where the overlay will be shown on the video.
Picture and picture, side by side overlay modes.

Creating freeze frames

A freeze frame is a still shot inserted in the middle of a video for dramatic effect. You can use the freeze frame to emphasize a very fast movement or pause the action while you give additional information.
Before and after adding a freeze frame

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